Hydration has a major effect on energy levels and brain function. Studies show that even mild dehydration, the kind caused by normal daily activities, can impair your mood, concentration, and memory, AND increase feelings of anxiety and fatigue. Studies also show that if you’re like most people, you’re not drinking enough water.
As you pursue health and wellness goals, hydration is essential to your mind and body working for you, instead of against you.
Here are just a few important ways water works in your body:
- The digestive system functions better with adequate hydration.
- Water flushes toxins from the body
- Promotes good kidney function
- Keeps joints and muscles lubricated
- Supports healthier, younger-looking skin
- Helps regulate body temperature
- Wards off headaches and migraines
We lose water through breath, perspiration, urine and bowel movements, which is why it’s important to continue to take in water throughout the day – even if you don’t exercise or temperatures are mild.
The Mayo Clinic recommends a (surprising) daily intake of water. For women, it’s 11.5 cups (92 oz.) and for men, 15.5 cups (124 oz.). While that sounds like a lot, it’s the equivalent of 6 or 7 bottles of water. Still, it can be difficult to do.
If you’re used to drinking flavorful, sugary, or caffeinated beverages, switching to plain water isn’t necessarily appealing or easy. There are some simple tips and tricks that can help make the switch easier – so with every glass, you’re choosing better health and wellness, in mind and body.
Try these suggestions for increasing your daily water intake:
- Add fruit to water for flavoring. Try a squeeze of lemon, orange or lime, a handful of berries, a piece of melon or even a slice of cucumber to flavor your water.
- Use an App. Try one of the excellent water-tracking apps available for smartphones like My Water Balance, Daily Water Tracker, and Drink Water Reminder. These apps help you keep track of how much water you have consumed and pop up reminders to keep the water flowing.
- Filter your water. If you live in a hard water area, your water could have a funny taste. Using a filter will purify your water, will make it fresh, clear and tasty.
- Buy a bottle and carry it with you. One of the main reasons that many of us don’t drink enough fluids is because we don’t have water with us. Keeping a bottle to hand to help keep you hydrated.
- Drink water as your starter. When you are out for dinner, or enjoying a meal at home, drink a glass of water before your meal. You might find that you are thirsty rather than hungry. This tip will help you stay hydrated – and may even help you lose weight as you are eating less and drinking more.
Looking for a better life and a healthier you? Start with the small step of drinking more water. Considering bigger changes too? If you need help getting started, consider life coaching with Grit & Grace.
Be Well