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About Grace

Behind Grit & Grace

Finding the right coach goes beyond mere qualifications. You need to trust and connect with your life coach โ€” I get that!

Below you’ll learn a little bit about me and what drove me to create Grit & Grace. But because a few paragraphs won’t be enough, I invite you to schedule a free consultation, so we can meet each other and evaluate if we are the right match.

Meet Grace

Through grit and grace, I’ve been able to transform areas of my life while discovering a new strength within myself. Over time, that inner process has reinforced my passion to help others through their transitional phases.

Pivotal moments can be difficult but they also open up new opportunities. That is a lesson I learned and bring to my coaching sessions along with my experiences, empathy, and understanding. And it will give you the ability to embrace your strengths, values, and experiences collected in your lifetime and help transform them into your own personal toolkit to regain control over your wellness.

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The Origin of Grit & Grace

To go through anything in life you need gritโ€ฆand a little bit of grace.

Why grit? I like to think of grit as perseverance, passion, and persistence. Grit is critical when faced with the adversity that comes with any transition. It helps you get from hurdles to something truly transformational. But grit is also a food, and for growth to happen, it is important to keep nourishing yourself. Oysters, too, go through their own stages of adversity before creating something truly beautiful: a pearl. As the saying goes, no grit no pearl.

When you fuse all of these elements it’s passion, perseverance, and the lessons from hardships that provide the self-awareness needed to nurture yourself and become the best version of yourself: your own pearl.

And then there’s Grace, my name but also a core value I try to live by, being compassionate and empathetic.

That’s my Grit & Grace, and how I hope you’ll experience it, too. Through life coaching, I hope to provide support, empathy, and guidance to help you build the toolkit that will last you a lifetime.

My Qualifications

Im a trained and certified Health and Wellness Coach by the Mayo Clinic, a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and trained in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. I also have a Masterโ€™s degree in Psychology from the University of Richmond and a Licenciatura in Psychology from the National University of Cordoba, Argentina.

I offer health and wellness coaching in both English and Spanish.

I currently live in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina with my husband and dog, and have two adult children I adore.